Thursday, October 1, 2009

First Day of Mother's Day Out

Rowan's first day of school - aka Mother's Day Out - was right after labor day. She is attending University Christian Church on Thursday's for 3 hours. I am so impressed with the school and can't wait for Rowan to continue going there until kindergarten. She is the only girl in the class, surrounded by precious boys. We were so excited to find out that a friend of mine that I have known since high school, Sarah, has a son, Maddox who is also in the same class. It has been so fun to reconnect with her and get to see her precious baby boy every week! Rowan has such a great time and loves her teachers, Mrs. Jennifer, and Nana. They take pictures every week and we were actually sent home with some art work that Rowan did! She is having so much fun and so am I with 3 hours to myself every week!
Here are Rowan and I before her first day of school...

1 comment:

  1. Hey- like the updates...I still like the blogs the best, I can read and see pics and all that. The face book thing is moving too fast for me- I need help!
